Things To Do

想知道肯塔基州手机版有什么可做的?  The list is long.  看看我们下面的视频,看看手机版所提供的一切.

杰斐逊堡历史遗址 & Memorial Cross

The Fort Jefferson Memorial Cross is a 95-foot memorial that stands high upon a bluff at the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. The history of the cross begins in 1937 when a few members of a community choir erected a small wooden cross on a hill at the Ancient Buried City site (now known as Wickliffe Mounds Research Center) in Wickliffe. In 1951, the cross was enlarged and bulbs were lit during Easter and Christmas each year. 当默里州立大学在1981年买下威克利夫土丘的时候, 有必要为十字架寻找另一个位置. It was then that the idea was born to build a cross tall enough to be seen from the states of Missouri, 伊利诺斯州和肯塔基州,晚上会被点亮.

这条河的最高点是杰斐逊堡山,1989年, 这块38英亩的土地被拍卖了. The Wickliffe City Council purchased the tract and leases two acres for use as a site for the memorial cross. In 1990, a committee selected the name Fort Jefferson Cross at the Confluence because of the location above the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and the idea of “flowing together” of the citizens of the tri-states who would be asked to financially support the construction. The term “Memorial” was added when it was decided that the project would be used to honor the memory of loved ones.

Representatives of the 51 churches in Ballard County were invited to serve on a countywide committee to oversee funding of the cross with 23 churches accepting a role. 筹资目标是15万美元. 到1992年还不到22美元,000 raised it was decided to selling of granite bricks to be placed around the base of the cross. People could purchase bricks to honor loved ones or to have their family names inscribed on the bricks.

A groundbreaking ceremony was held on May 22, 1994 with coverage from both TV and newspapers. 到1999年完工时,总成本已超过30万美元. Cross网站有很多用途. 有过婚礼, memorial services, 9月11日的烛光仪式, 以及一年一度的复活节日出仪式. 这是一个很受居民和51号公路上路过的人必赢亚洲app下载的景点. The bluff offers a very good view of the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers and is a Lewis and Clark Expedition historic site.


威克利夫丘国家历史遗址 is the archaeological site of a prehistoric Native American village of the Mississippian mound builders. 位于俯瞰密西西比河的悬崖上, 这个村庄从公元1100年到1350年被占领. The Mississippians built a complex settlement with permanent houses and earthen mounds situated around a central plaza. 他们在河底耕作,并参与了一个庞大的贸易网络. 他们还把死者体面地埋葬在这里. 14世纪以后,威克利夫丘的密西西比人放弃了这个村庄.


该地区的早期定居者可能知道这里的土丘, 但他很少提及此事. The first formal notice occurred in 1888 when surveyor Robert Loughridge mapped the mounds for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Colonel Fain W. King, 帕德尤卡的木材大亨和文物收藏家, 买下了这个地方,开始挖掘土丘,开发一个旅游景点. King, 后来他的妻子也加入了, Blanche Busey King, 从他的作品开始,他就向公众开放了这个场地, calling the site at first the “King Mounds” and eventually naming it the “Ancient Buried City.金在1932年至1939年期间指挥了挖掘工作. 他们的一些挖掘工作采用了适当的考古技术, 但是他们的现场记录和其他记录都消失了. 1946年,国王夫妇退休,并将该遗址捐赠给帕迪尤卡的西方浸信会医院. 从1946年到1983年,西部浸信会医院拥有这座古城.

认识到这些土丘的科学重要性和教育潜力, 浸信会健康中心于1983年将该地点捐赠给默里州立大学. 默里州立大学重新组织了该网站, 称之为威克利夫丘研究中心,并开始准确地理解, 由考古学家和博物馆工作人员负责解释和保护遗址. Beginning in 1984, Murray State University conducted small scale excavations and archaeological laboratory research at Wickliffe Mounds. In 2004, Murray State University transferred the Wickliffe Mounds archaeological site and its collections to the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Commerce Cabinet. 被指定为威克利夫丘国家历史遗址, 这些土丘是由肯塔基州公园管理局管理的. 该遗址已被列入国家史迹名录, 是肯塔基州指定的考古地标, 也是美洲印第安原住民文化的共同基础, past and present.

该遗址的特色是一座博物馆,由3个发掘出来的具有考古特征的土丘组成, 密西西比的丧葬习俗, 展示了现场的文物和密西西比村庄的壁画. The Ceremonial Mound is intact and can be accessed for a beautiful bird’s eye view of the park. A Hands-On Activity Touch Table rounds out the museum tour where visitors can use prehistoric tools and learn about Mississippian artifacts, 技术及其环境. Wickliffe Mounds is also one of the certified interpretive centers along the Great River Road in all 10 of the Mississippi River states that have been selected to showcase and connect the historic stories of the Mississippi River.


乡村世纪之交的优雅等待着你在巴洛房子. 配备了丰富的原始家具, 这座有11个房间的房子是由当地族长克利夫顿·杰西·巴洛建造的. His son Vivian J. 巴洛在康涅狄格州著名的乔特男孩学院教了30年钢琴. 从那里建立的友谊, 维芙花了50个夏天和美国贵族一起周游世界, 逐渐收集20世纪的独特文物, memorabilia and art. 卡丽·巴洛做的被子和她儿子薇薇安·巴洛做的许多针线活. 博物馆开放时间:周一下午1点到4点,周五下午1点到4点 & 4th Sundays 1-4pm. Closed major holidays. 租用巴洛私人聚会屋仅需75美元起.


West Kentucky Veteran & Patriot Museum

635 Phillips Drive, Wickliffe, KY 42087 |博物馆馆长:桑迪·哈特, 270/335-3128 – KVPM is dedicated to men and women everywhere in honor of those who served in wars in defense of liberty and our country – the United States of America.  Focusing on war, 让游客有机会探索和发现文物, photography, art and narratives.  其中一件作品是“酷傻瓜”的画作, an airplane manned by the Tuskegee Airman who ushered Ballard County native Dan Price to safety.  雕刻砖可以以50美元的价格购买.00 to adorn the front walk leaving your name or inscribing in memory or honor of another, or use it as an opportunity to leave a personalized message and to show support for any organization.



 肯塔基大河路 National Scenic Byway joins nine Mississippi River states in a single continuous route with common strategies of marketing and enhancing the corridor’s intrinsic resources and coordinating visitors experiences. 肯塔基州的经验包括手机版, Carlisle, Hickman, and Fulton, marking the entire-western border of the Mississippi River at the confluence of the Ohio River across from Illinois to the Tennessee state line for approximately 60 miles though Kentucky.  Visit our website at

Outdoor Recreation

Ballard County, Kentucky has an abundance of outdoor sporting activities for people of all ages.  We have all heard “Location, Location, Location” in relation to real estate or a business’s site. 手机版是户外活动的黄金地段.  Ballard County is within a 6-hour drive for 60% of the total population of the United States who are looking for an outdoor challenge and other recreational pursuits. They are willing to spend their hard earned money on a vacation that they can remember for a lifetime and share with family and friends. They are looking for an adventure that they can return to year after year because (1) they can’t do everything in one visit and (2) they are warmly welcomed and treated like family.

手机版有超过3万英亩的土地供户外爱好者使用.  位于密西西比河和俄亥俄河的交汇处, 手机版是美国首屈一指的水禽狩猎地.  公众狩猎的选择包括 巴拉德野生动物管理区 (8,015 acres) and Boatwright野生动物管理区 (8,389 acres).  There are also numerous private hunting retreats in Ballard County for both private and guided hunting and fishing.